Our Partnership

Research revealed  a lack of attention in the marketplace being paid to a discerning consumer with a high-end aesthetic valuing living close to nature. Coyuchi’s brand, product architecture, and service were collectively ill-equipped to realize the opportunity; and, therefore in need of a strategy to define a category that was more meaningful than just organic cotton.


Compass + Nail conducted a deep dive into customer performance via data and an immersive qualitative study. The resultant strategy was to evolve the brand beyond its “granola” roots to appeal to a more premium audience of urban professionals seeking non-toxic solutions for their homes, providing an upscale aesthetic, and a worry free material for their home, aligned with their values. 

Demonstrated Impact

The evolution of the brand was a comprehensive undertaking that required an overhaul of the brand identity, the business model, distribution, product architecture, service, and organizational capabilities. The result took an unprofitable, sub $10M business and put it on the path to growth and profitability. Coyuchi’s grown in the past two years has been 26%, year over year, and the brand is now on a trajectory to $50M in revenue.